maandag, maart 27, 2006

The adventures of mr Cheesy Claw
Welcome to my adventures and first post! Actually I started it because I found the through a friend who is having a wonderful trip in Australia right now, he is planning to live there and I wish him all the best :)
Today a long day at the office, have to be here until 19:30 to finish some database update. It's sunny outside, wanted to go out for a drink with my buddies but now that has to wait. Anyway, mr Cheesy Claw is not a name you just come up with in a snap, so just let me explain it: my home town is Alkmaar / North Holland North ;) of course famous worldwide for it's delicious cheeses; the claw has to do with my funny way of writing, I don't hold a pen, I "claw" it more or less. However, fortunately everything turned out well. Ok have a good time out there and cu!