dinsdag, maart 28, 2006

So, finally I managed to get off from work, everything is cool, had a nice drink with my friends at Hermes. Stayed until about 9:30 and went off to one off my cheese bars in Alkmaar: Du Passage. Piet Jan was there and we had a lot of laughs. There was a crazy (but in a good way) guy dancing his ass off on 50's music and we were all enjoying it and seeing him dancing in his own mystical way. Talked with Piet Jan about his plans and progress about starting up a new pub in Alkmaar (De Ouwe Pul), probably he'll be in there end of July. Heard a funny joke tonight:

Three guys are sitting outside all claiming to be Jesus Christ. The first one says I am the one, he breaks up a big loaf of bread and shares it along the people, the second one says he can walk on the water so he puts up a piece of cardboard in the canal and steps on it, the third one says: you all are full of bullshit, let's go to the hookers and I'll show you: so he went up to a prostitute and then when he kncoked on one of the windows the girl sees him and cries out loud: Jesus Christ, are you back again..! ;)

So now I am home and going for a good night sleep, put on my headphones and some good music and I will enjoy for an hour or something. Tomorrow I have to be at work at an incredibly early hour (10), so I guess I'll be fine. CHEERS!