dinsdag, maart 28, 2006

Wines: 12
Food: 1 kaassoufflé and 1 cheesy burger (what do you expect?)
Rodents and mice: 0
Hugs and kisses: 0,5

Heloeoe! Yet another splendid day :) Everything at the office went fine, actually I was relaxed and the sun was shining (except from that horrible windy thingy) so nothing to complain about. Today I completed and updated my CV, because it was SEVEN years ago(!) I did it, man, I guess I am getting old, soon I will celebrate my lustrum at De Telegraaf (mmmm, outsourcing thing is going on but hey! I got into some classified information (isn't that my job?) and found out that the business applications and everything/everyone involved is not in the outsource program (so, Peter, if you want to go on... stop worrying!)).

Once again I met my dear friends at The Grand Hermes and we had a lot of laughs and silly fun. We were talking all kind of languages including Franglais (look it up) and made dirty movie titles out of existing ones ;) Harry, because you brought that magazine cover I couldn't scan your beloved star, so next time you have to bring it (should I leave out the horns?). I had a wonderfful time again, and for your sake, I leave out all the dirty details ;)

When I got into cheese town I went to the Du Passage because cheesy mom and cheesy dad (Petershoek) were closing down (sorry) and unlike yesterday unfortunately it was a bit boring compared to yesterday, people doing there own business, some couple talking sweet words and some guys playing billiards, fine, not much talking material. So I left with two wines which is a bit absurd but no worries, I'll live, the claw always doez (btw next posts I will mention the amount of wines and jerk offs so probably I should name my blog "Mr Cheesy Claws Diary"). When I came home I finally got my book from Peter Moore: No Shitting In The Toilet. Man! I love the way this guy writes travel stories, he is one of the cool Aussies and I wish him good luck hoping he will publish Moore. If you like to read travel books check him out and also his website: www.petermoore.net, it is a lot of fun!

I am a bit uninspired today (movie name jokes I don't really recall, please forgive me) so no jokes today. Just going for a shower and play around, watch some Discovery Channel and then go to my little cosy bed because tomorrow I have to be on my Employment Workshop at 9.00 and I think that is EARLY enough (no offense to the early birds).

One more thing, today we got the news that a colleague within the Operations team died of a hart attack, Eddy Hoffman, while he was three weeks off from hart treatment, that's sad. Bless him and the ones he is leaving behind.

Greeting from cheesy town and take care out there!