donderdag, maart 30, 2006

Wines: 16
Cigarettes: 1,5 package
Hugs: 0 (the worls abandoned me)
Loelz: a lot tonight


One addition to last night, I undressed and was naked listening on the couch to a really wonderful R&B CD called Secrets from Toni Braxton, it is f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c, check it out, especially the first two songs, and before I know it was 4:30, well, who cares, I am free from working class mayhem.
My little holiday started last night and this morning I took the privilege to sleep until 12:30 (actually I dreamed about you working your asses off, see above) and I woke up with a big smile ;) Went into the cheesy city and ate some delicious bread with Cranbeery pateeh combined with two healthy and delicious "white things you van eat or drink coming from a cute cow". Read some Bob Den Uyl and Josie Dew travel stories, bought some shoes at the outlet store (only EUR 25, yeahhh). Sat down and had some delicious Carribean Sun coffees and getting emotional (or should I say romantical ;))

Came home, and was online for a small moment talking to my dear friends and also Marjolein, leaving tomorrow from Petershoek (party!), Irma (one of the new candidates for the job; Ooh man, I definitely promoted her from head to toe, but chessy dad has to make up his decision). I think she is swell and also able do be a good bar cleaning and caring lady, good luck to you sweety :)

Around 5:30 I went to the cheesy bar and guess what, I was offered a very delicious meal for free as a reward for my everlasting mental power to help out others. I ate and ate and drank and drank some delicious wines as usual and talked with the locals.

At 6:42 I took the train to Slutty Dike to meet up with my friends at the Grand Hermes, and it was CROWDED like it has been for the last weeks (Peter is doing good business!). But, beeing a well known and adored customer Peter was able to move some people away to make space for me and please me. There is a new woman working at the GH called Roxanne, she was smiling and doing her job well, so Peter must be very happy. Rodrielo pointed at to me that The Police wrote a very good song about her.. Roxanne, bring up the white wine, Roxanne... hehehehe.

Name changes:
- Harry Viscious is from now on to be announed as "Mooses Dessi, the virgin queen of nymphomania" (a character from a Finnish book, I think that's special)
- All-off-Loelcas, the Chessman is from now on known as "The Iceman"

Things were running wild already so I had to comply and fight my way in, which is not really a problem. After some time at our Stammtisch we are having clockwise (cockwise?): Mojojo-Joe (remember the powerpuff girlz?), Vespa Cock, Bionic Woman, The Iceman, Choufe-mouse, Harem-Fred, Harry from the East, Mooses Pessi, The Claw, Rodiello and The Ant. Actually seats were different, but Vespa, Mouse and Harmem-F came in later so we got kind of a switch (Vespa wanted to be among the women, loel).
What was happening, on the left there was a game going on called the "Drinking game": pick some subject like drinking brands, nation capitals, colours or things you can put in your mouth without hurting; next you have to give a name acoording to the subject, the first one waiting to long or doen't know a name anymore must drink! I think that's hilarious. Imagine what you could do with that... ;) Harry not-from-the-east tried to be funny and metioned that the new Thelegraaf will be: Dagblad van de toekomst: Stijlegraaf (referring to De Stijl).

We stayed quite long as usual (i.e. closing time), I catched my trainy at 22:25 and homed back to cheesy town. We didn't all say goodbye, that's sad, we are all friends even if we are drunk as skunks (like jojo, bionic and Vespa, hehehe), ok I guessed some were pissed off not to be able to order more drinks, that's just the regulation guys.

Came into cheesy town, passed cheesy dad and invited him to come over to Drinkerij but he waved Noe, so I went there by myself, Mike was cool, the audience however wasn't that special so I got stuck with three wines. This is going to be a short night, because tomorrow I will be celebrating the goodbye of Marjolein at cheesy bar and also I want to get up early to do some house maintenance. And now I am here, smoking my final ciggy and pleasing the bloggers (I wish all of you would take the effort to check it out, it is done out of love).

Two things I still have to do:
- change my sign to really be a capricorn, I am NOT a scale for goodsake;
- I will put the disclaimer on the bottom to avoid silly people sewing me for using names from others.

Ok, guys, thanks for the lovely evening and hopefully I'll see you again soon :) (Susie's on saturday for those interested and maybe I'll pop in tomorrow anyhow) I do my best to do this blog and please realize: english is not my mtoher or even my primal language, correct me if I do wrong.

PS: Mooses, think about the book, I like to see it.



Anonymous Anoniem said...

Hey cheesedewd! Good to see you again! I think you should "sew" that spamming twat from the first comment. Oh yeah and on a "scale" from Hermes to Cheesytown I'd say I'm a Libra.

By the way your English sucks. Big time. Mother or not! Corrections included here (only some - geintje!)


1:10 a.m.  
Anonymous Anoniem said...

To the (hypothetical) Culturally Oriented reader: Mooses Pessi appears in the book "Havukka-ahon ajattelija" (The Thinker from Havukka-aho) by Veikko Huovinen, published in Finland 1952. Translations: Swedish ("Konsta" - this for The Ant), German, Estonian, Polish, Tscheck, Lithuanian and Russian.

Well, was that not interesting, he?!? In fact so interesting that one wants to get cheesed again...

Cheers, Dudes and Mushies!

Mooses - the Virgin One.

11:56 a.m.  

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