vrijdag, februari 27, 2009

Wines/beers consumed: 0 (!!!)
Kung Food: rolls with cheese, microwaved tortellini, half a bottle of coke
Feeling at blog moment: relaxed and controlled, but thirsty!
(almost weekend, YEAEAEAHHHHH! :)))

Good day to you all!!

I decided to blog some during day time at the office as things are quite relaxed right now, friday afternoon is never a crime scene anyway ;)
During lunch break I was thinking about what I could do with the idea of Kung Food: wouldn't it be lovely to strangle your opponent between two asparguses or take out an eye or two with a nicely shaped carrot? Of course there are probably already shitloads of bars and restaurants bearing this name but this was just my thought at that very moment :)

Yesterday I took a break from Hermes, tonight I will most likely join in for a few pints of Chouffe, liquid heaven exists and it is right here at Slutty Dike!
Tomorrow I have an appointment at one of the two best Dim Sum restaurants in the Netherlands: Oriental City on the Damn street in Amsterdam. Around 12:00 we will enjoy delicious spices and talk over stuff with some of my friends, it has been almost half a year ago so there should be enough to discuss :) Any of you I can REALLY advice to go here sometime! It is absolutely fantastic food (real Kung Food :))

Well, I hold it for a moment hereby because something just came up, however I see you guys tonight! In the meantime enjoy and behave nicely

Mr Cheesy 'Dicky' Claw

donderdag, februari 26, 2009

Hi guys,

Here is my new blog, I try myself to overhit ;)
Today I had a really good time at Hermes, especially with good old Scottish Andy and mr Kramer, I did enjoy the Chouffes I had and actually I was planning to go to Cheesy Bar afterwards which of course I did :)
I like to share a little poem with you which came up into my mind today as I was obviously very busy ;) It is in Dutch however so f***king learn this fantastic language pleazzzze:

Als een tempel

Open en toch


Vertrouwd en

Vreemd tegelijk

Treed ik bij jou binnen

Het voelt zo fijn

Ik wist niet dat een bezoekje

Aan de wallen

Zo poëtisch kon zijn

I hope you could learn from these wise words and make sure you will teach your children about the wisdoms of mr Cheeys Claw :)

woensdag, mei 17, 2006

Wines consumed: 16
Food: 485 KCal

Hi my friends!

It has been a long time, just came home from cheesy bar, cheesy mom and dad had their celebration in the weekend at at beautiful restaurant at Egmond Aan Zee called La Chatelaine and they had a wonderful time :) Good food and good wine, actually they asked me to be there next time and I will but unfortunately I have to take care of all you loving people.

Recently I had a writer's blog, was out of inspiration, but still I lived to survive everything. I started to do some body workout, now mondays, wednesdays and fridays... soon I will be a creature that can match up with Apollo. Tonight we had a lovely night with Mooses, Vespa Cock, Olliebollie (though he left us soon), Antman, Bionic amd Harry from the East. Did some drinking game (how about the schizophrenic version?) and consumed a lot. To be honest I am out of inspiration right now, but at least I blogged ;) Now it is 1:12 and I am going to shower and wank, tomorrow is a new day and then I hope top get some new inspiration, it has been a long time since I blogged but I will return somehow. I know, boring boring but don't worry, I wil, dream about all you good people and hope tomorrow I will get more inspiration.

Sleep tight you loving people,

dinsdag, april 25, 2006

Wines consumed: 13
Food: three sandwiches with salmon, eal and shrimp "kroketjes"
Weather: when I was able to get out, BEAUTIFUL
Hugs and kisses: hugs: 0 (sniff); cheekies: 6 (hello and good night)
TV shows watched: Law and Order

Hi my friends,

Let's do it memento style.

Just came home from cheesy bar! It was quiet, but anyway we were having some nice talks, a guy working at KLM, Mr R, came in and discussed with me about the Telegraaf and if it should be a tabloid or not and so on. Cheesy Mom made clear how important eyes are. They are the mirror of your soul and even after you die, it is the only thing that should not be used for science purposes, and all kind of things about eyes came in, especially what makes a lot of people scared in horror movies or ghost movies? Right, eyes! Actually a lot of people have that.

I went out into the city of beautiful cheeses and found a spot on really one of the best places in Alkmaar to sit outside: De Gulden Vlies on the (yes we also have one) Lindegracht. It is a perfect place with good wine and good food :) Sat there and read my current book (Er kon niets verkeerd gaan - Bob den Uyl) as well as looking at people a lot - to be honest by far one of my biggest hobbies ever! Also I was asking myself why people sit "behind" a tv, but "in front of" a computer, I guess it has to do with action. That's why women "behind" the window perform all the action and men "in front" just look and negotiate before the real thing is starting. Around 18:30 I went to cheesy bar.

Came home around 6:20 by the first train to Alkmaar. This morning I had a nasty stomach ache so I called off for duty, slept late, had some creamy peanut butter (still not the original one Bionic promised to get me, but anyway) with bread, some coffees and went through the problems in the world (Telegraaf and Noord Hollandse Dagblad), put on some realxing radio and decided to do some things in the house as I was not able to go out.

Sunday evening I was in cheesy bar DP and started off some sms conversation with bionic which ended in a visit to see the bionic factory (including J-o) around 21:40. Nice place you have! Watched some tv and drank some beverages after which the two ladies went off to bed, and I was in the living room with a remote in my hand and a nicely prepared couch to sleep on, but I was restless in Seattle. I guess I am like a Dracula kind of person: either be in my own coffin at dawn or wander around. Went into the city, checked out some bars and made a night journey over the canals (again). Funny thing was that there wasd a lot of fog, so I felt like I was in a Jack The Ripper movie (remember London, 18-something); don't worry, I didn't kill or dismembered anyone as I didn't have my equipment with me anyway (I don't like the bare hand job......... ehm... never mind, shut up).

Ok, sweeties, no image posting today, tomorrow I will go out for dinner with real mum and dad in Hoofddorp so I will not be able to enjoy your wonderful company. Dr Kaboom, I do hope to see you soon, so we can discuss more about string theory ;)

Hope to see a lot of you slutty dikes on wednesday so we can kout up a little and play silly games. Tada! Btw: I hope this was not confusing!


donderdag, april 20, 2006

Hello you mortals,

Finally I blog you from The Office (not to be confused with the tv series ;)). It is very busy but I just have to do this. Yesterday we had a very nice evening with a small group: Mooses, Iceman, , later on for a short moment Harry from the East and then me, myself and I (yes, I have more personalities and No, I am not schizophrenic). All the things you can do with leaks, leaking and ducks, or any crazy sick combination of them, is astonishing. Desperately leaking Susan is a movie you have to see (thanks Olliebollie). We laughed our asses off!
Just hope tonight we have a big group again and also I am happy mr van Driel will be among us soon. Now I will continue my work and blog you all later!

PS: with coffee now, wine comes later

maandag, april 17, 2006

I came from somewhere but I really don't know where I came from

woensdag, april 12, 2006

Hello my friends,

Today I had a quite ok day, busy, but fortunately I could handle everything. This evening went out with real mom and dad for a nice dinner at the chinese restaurant in Osdorp. Usual talks as the ones you always have with parents (nagging, am I really becoming an alcoholic?) and a nice sea food menu :) Yummy! Went to Cheesy Town around 2130 hours and watched the last efforts of the new girl, Karin, working at Cheesy Bar. She doesn't have any horeca background/experience and cheese mom told me it was VERY BUSY, so she had to learn and serve a lot, maybe more than she can handle in one day, so afterwards, around 00:30, business ANALYSIS. They have a good feeling about her but still she has a lot to learn, know the habits of the local customers and also I talked a bit with her to get to know her. I think she is good, responsible and willing to learn new things (no cahier experience at all! so imagine a place crowded and try to deal with that). Of course there were also people (drunk) trying to make fun and they didn't realize they made her nervous as hell. Anyway, she servived and will be back on friday for the next lessons.

How are you all doing? At the lunch break I walked towards old Slutty Dike and I passed the Coengebouw so now I know all about your geographic working environment.

Tomorrow I'll be back at the Grand Hermes to consume a lot of wine, throw in bad comments and jokes, just be prepared, hehehehe. Happy things are going better with Rodrillo now and hopefully he will be joining our "Stammtisch" again soon.

Sleep tight, don't have the dreams I have, and cu all very sewn. Hope to get some comments soon (I feel a bit lonely ;)).