woensdag, april 12, 2006

Hello my friends,

Today I had a quite ok day, busy, but fortunately I could handle everything. This evening went out with real mom and dad for a nice dinner at the chinese restaurant in Osdorp. Usual talks as the ones you always have with parents (nagging, am I really becoming an alcoholic?) and a nice sea food menu :) Yummy! Went to Cheesy Town around 2130 hours and watched the last efforts of the new girl, Karin, working at Cheesy Bar. She doesn't have any horeca background/experience and cheese mom told me it was VERY BUSY, so she had to learn and serve a lot, maybe more than she can handle in one day, so afterwards, around 00:30, business ANALYSIS. They have a good feeling about her but still she has a lot to learn, know the habits of the local customers and also I talked a bit with her to get to know her. I think she is good, responsible and willing to learn new things (no cahier experience at all! so imagine a place crowded and try to deal with that). Of course there were also people (drunk) trying to make fun and they didn't realize they made her nervous as hell. Anyway, she servived and will be back on friday for the next lessons.

How are you all doing? At the lunch break I walked towards old Slutty Dike and I passed the Coengebouw so now I know all about your geographic working environment.

Tomorrow I'll be back at the Grand Hermes to consume a lot of wine, throw in bad comments and jokes, just be prepared, hehehehe. Happy things are going better with Rodrillo now and hopefully he will be joining our "Stammtisch" again soon.

Sleep tight, don't have the dreams I have, and cu all very sewn. Hope to get some comments soon (I feel a bit lonely ;)).



Anonymous Anoniem said...

Well that means I'll catch you tomorrow! Lonely? No way!

11:29 p.m.  
Blogger Mooses Pessi said...

But hey, Cutie! Noo need to feel lonely. Your trusty blobsie fans are here to support you! Keep up with the good work! Erm...



1:56 p.m.  

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