donderdag, april 20, 2006

Hello you mortals,

Finally I blog you from The Office (not to be confused with the tv series ;)). It is very busy but I just have to do this. Yesterday we had a very nice evening with a small group: Mooses, Iceman, , later on for a short moment Harry from the East and then me, myself and I (yes, I have more personalities and No, I am not schizophrenic). All the things you can do with leaks, leaking and ducks, or any crazy sick combination of them, is astonishing. Desperately leaking Susan is a movie you have to see (thanks Olliebollie). We laughed our asses off!
Just hope tonight we have a big group again and also I am happy mr van Driel will be among us soon. Now I will continue my work and blog you all later!

PS: with coffee now, wine comes later


Blogger Mooses Pessi said...

Great Claw, Dude!

3:17 p.m.  
Anonymous Anoniem said...

Yo Man,

Please keep the blog updated, I can't sleep anymore without knowing what's going on in Herpes. And I'm sure all the rest of the world and around feel the same !

7:44 p.m.  
Anonymous Anoniem said...

The Claw is awesome indeed....

Mr. Kaboom, to find out what you've really been missing, or just in general to seek help, check out the URL.


3:09 a.m.  
Blogger Mooses Pessi said...

Mooses has a pressie for Mr. Claw! Njäh-njäh-njäh - and only for him! :o=)

12:31 p.m.  

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