vrijdag, februari 27, 2009

Wines/beers consumed: 0 (!!!)
Kung Food: rolls with cheese, microwaved tortellini, half a bottle of coke
Feeling at blog moment: relaxed and controlled, but thirsty!
(almost weekend, YEAEAEAHHHHH! :)))

Good day to you all!!

I decided to blog some during day time at the office as things are quite relaxed right now, friday afternoon is never a crime scene anyway ;)
During lunch break I was thinking about what I could do with the idea of Kung Food: wouldn't it be lovely to strangle your opponent between two asparguses or take out an eye or two with a nicely shaped carrot? Of course there are probably already shitloads of bars and restaurants bearing this name but this was just my thought at that very moment :)

Yesterday I took a break from Hermes, tonight I will most likely join in for a few pints of Chouffe, liquid heaven exists and it is right here at Slutty Dike!
Tomorrow I have an appointment at one of the two best Dim Sum restaurants in the Netherlands: Oriental City on the Damn street in Amsterdam. Around 12:00 we will enjoy delicious spices and talk over stuff with some of my friends, it has been almost half a year ago so there should be enough to discuss :) Any of you I can REALLY advice to go here sometime! It is absolutely fantastic food (real Kung Food :))

Well, I hold it for a moment hereby because something just came up, however I see you guys tonight! In the meantime enjoy and behave nicely

Mr Cheesy 'Dicky' Claw