vrijdag, april 07, 2006

Wines: 12 (I feel sober)
Ciggies: 1,5 packets (liar)
Hugs: where were you sweety?
Food: 1 kaas-souflé
Naughty thoughts: infinite
Weight: 105.3 kg

Hellow sweethearts,

Just came home and actually I am a little bit nasty so I put on some nice slow tunes:
1. Napalm Death- Suffer The Children
2. Fear Factory- Martyr
3. Bold Thrower - The IVth Crusade
4. Bee Gees - Staying Alive

(Check it out for fun and you know what kind of creature I am)

Had a splendid evening once again with the local drunks, representing: Vespa Loel, Dr Kaboom, Lord of the Antz, Mooses, Claw (tm) and later on mr Harry from the East showed up (as he had nothing better to do anyway). Talked about shit and stuff. The B.S. served us well, Roxanne was cute and Wanda, the witch from the West did her best as well. Actually this night I was just hopping around on my chair without contributing anything that could be seen as scientifical evidence, except from poor exsitence. Ok, no food, no love, but lovely people around.

I do miss two mortals very much, because I think they belong to us. By the way, don't you mortals ever get tired of hanging around with cheesy heads? Cheesè dad and mom were sleeping (at least I hope) so I went to Du Passage (yet another licenced cheesy bar) and spoke with Pete Jan and Mr Ed the Railroad Man. He was ok, but lonely as he is he tried to do nasty things to a proclaimed woman. Had some wines and went off to Dino's. Sent out some emails to the Loelz and watched the pimps and prostitutes come and go (yeah, you just have to know the right locations). As I was not interested and the prices offered were to low I went to check out my condomium and ate everything not over date from the fridge (how am I ever to loose weight without moving and just have AA meetings going on?).

Now I will just go to sleep, without wanking (ooh, I am so strong) but mmmm. NO. I will listen some salsa music and some Chopin before counting sheep.

Zee you later and hope you will appreciate my company the same as I do yours.