donderdag, april 06, 2006

Wines: 14
Sambucca's: 1
Ciggies: 2 packets
Food: Chicken Burger
Hugs: 0
Current weight: 105,6 kg

Hello my friends,

Just came in to my humble apartment and ate some Burger King meal (vitamins are everything). Well, what happened tonight? Yet another meeting at Slutty Dike representing me (Claw (tm), Vespa Cock, Lord Of The Antz, Iceman, Mooses (Muschi's), and later on Paul the big witch (bitch?) from the East, no offense, no tongues. Had a splendid evening once again, as we all have nothing better to do in life. Iceman was carressing Vespas's Helmut (no need to explain more, right?). I think Vespa's Vespa is cool. We were also discussing about the opportunity of creating a group blog owned by all off us (f.i. Secrets Of Slutty Dike, "Blog banging"). Mooses presented the Dana Blue International (famous cock cheese protected by Amnesty International to preserve cheese and cheesy dicks like me). Splendid! As Mooses was punnished with bad karma he explained something about dancing and family stuff. Went to Cheese town around 9:25 and got there to see Barca win from Benfica with 2-0 (again the Claw (tm) was right).

Just a small joke: "A girl goes to a shrink, the shrink tells her "I think you are a victim of incest". The girl replied "Bullshit, because my father broke up with me yesterday".

Not much to do at Cheesy Bar, quiet and cheese mom and dad were tired so I left them at 23:23 and went to another cheesy bar called De Drinkerij (always respect the hard working class and tired creatures). Talked with a lovely girl called Constance (all names are made up to protect the guilty, hehehe) and did my commercial talk to make her join the Cheesy Bar Crew (now cheese dad needs three innocent young girls). Talked with Mikey from hotel Stad & Land as well with three funny, but very drunk Limburg guys working at Heiloo. So, one Sambucca added. Thanks. Did some business talk about Cheese Town Bar Evolutions and around 1:00 I paid and went to Burger King.

Came home, no bills or threaths from the government, so I can go to bed and wank in peace. Actually I am going to put on my headphones and listen to some great salsa music before going there.

Loelz, I wish you all the best and hope to see you all soon, Btw: Dr Kaboom, you have a GREAT website and Mooses' blog does well also ;) Kaboom, are you Paul Atreides by the way?

Bionic, hope everything is ok with you and hope to see you safe and sound soon, Rodrillo, same goes for you. Miss your company.